I often hear people say, "the people over there are wealthy", or "the people that live in those expensive big houses and have "a lot" of money are wealthy".
Please stop pointing the finger of wealth at others and start pointing it at yourself!
Say it with me, I Am wealthy; and if you can't say that, then say, I Am becoming wealthy!
Wealth is not just about how much money you have. Wealth encompasses your total well-being;
Spiritual - You are connected to the Source and choose love over hate, good over evil, peace over discord, etc....
Financial - You are successfully and honestly managing your money and effectively providing a quality lifestyle for you and your loved ones.
Physiological - You are making wise choices on what you put in your body and what you do with your body. You have an exercise routine and minimize stress.
Relational - You have healthy interactions and communications with people centered in love, respect, forgiveness, and kindness.
Mental - You seek to remain positive in thought and are mindful to work on issues that cause emotional imbalance.
Committing to a lifestyle that interconnects all these areas helps produce wealth i.e. total well-being.
Please no longer base the sum of your value with money. Your home address and the number of commas before the period in your bank balance do not have the final say.
Say it with me, I Am Wealthy!
Be empowered,
The Financial Truth with Carla Cargle
Download your copy of the Wealth Journal and become engaged with your wealth journey. Wealth is 4 all!