Dear Carla,
I need your help! So many people misunderstand me and blame me for their problems. I’ve been blamed for crimes, divorce, hunger, family feuds, collapse of governments, and so much more. Carla none of this is my fault. I don’t like being a scapegoat!
Carla please help people see me for what I Am. God created me for Good! Lack, struggle, poverty, greed, were not apart of God’s design for me when I was given life. It is my intent to help everyone to live the good life! When I am understood, respected, and truly seen for what I am, I am a blessing, not a curse.
Carla, please let people know that I love them and I only want to do what’s best for them; clothe them, feed them, give them shelter and their daily necessities, protect them, provide them with reasonable entertainment, transport them, and give them more than enough to share with others. Carla I just want to be me!
Finally tell everyone to Trust God; and I’ll always be there when they need me.
Signed with Love and devotion,
Also know as – Stacks, Moolah, Benjamins, Bacon and Cheddar